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Spelling Unit 1: Yellow Lesson

Take the Spelling Challenge!

In this learning activity, you will spell words that have the prefixes dis-, mis-, mid-, un-, or pre-. Print or copy the spelling words for this unit. Get ready to:

  1. Take a pretest to discover which words you already know, and which words you need to study further.
  2. Explore the spelling rule for this list, and find other words that follow the rule.
  3. Use the 10 spelling words in sentences that demonstrate their meaning.
  4. Complete exercises, solve puzzles, and play games that will help you build your spelling power.
  5. Take a final test to see whether you have learned to spell the words.

It may take you a few days to complete this learning activity. You may exit at any time, but make sure that you don’t mark the activity as completed until you have gone through the entire lesson and taken the final test!