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Your Spelling List

FOCUS: Read each word and phrase. If you are unfamiliar with any of the words on this list, click on the word to hear it pronounced.

1.   disbelief I watched in disbelief as the tornado blew across the field.
2.   unidentified We saw an unidentified flying object.
3.   unlimited The possibilities are unlimited.
4.   distrust I distrust someone who doesn’t tell the truth.
5.   disorder The house was in disorder after the party.
6.   midnight The high school student had to be home by midnight.
7.   midyear We are going on a vacation about midyear.
8.   predetermined It was predetermined that their child would go to that school.
9.   misspell Be careful not to misspell your spelling words.
10.   mistreat You should never mistreat an animal.


Dictionary Drill

Using a dictionary, write down the definitions of each of the words in your spelling list. Ask your guide to check your answers when you are finished. Keep your list. You will need to use it in the next exercise