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These are the prefixes being used in this spelling unit: dis-, un-, mid-, pre-, and mis-. A prefix is a syllable or a group of syllables added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning. The following chart provides meanings for each prefix.

  Prefix Meaning Example
1.  dis- not, opposite, or lack of   dissatisified means not satisfied
2.  un- not, opposite   unhappy means not happy
3.  mid- in the middle   midday means in the middle of the day
4.  pre- before   precaution means to take caution against danger before something bad happens
5.  mis- bad, incorrect, or badly   misunderstand means to understand something incorrectly

Spelling with Prefixes

Type the complete word in the boxes.

1.   dis+belief
2.   un+identified
3.   un+limited
4.   dis+trust
5.   dis+order
6.   mid+night
7.   mid+year
8.   pre+determined
9.   mis+spell
10.   mis+treat