  1. 老师评语
    Dear Vivian:
    Time is too fast. We didn't notice that we've been sharing thoughts in another month already. I hope that you will explore more yourself in different things especially in learning English so that you will be better. Every time I talk to you it makes me happy. You are always showing enthusiasm in our class that gives bountiful discussion. I can also say that you will become a good speaker just keep in mind that you can do it. I hope that you will not stop learning English you are very smart I believe in your skills.
    Below are of my observations and comments to you I hope this will help you to become a good speaker.
    I think in this part you need to speak more if you want to make great advance of your oral English. The more you speak, the better you are. Try to become more confident with your ideas because only you can share something that's within you and that will give you a great fulfillment in the near future.. You can do it. Cheer up~
    Your listening is pretty well but need to focus more. Sometimes you can't understand some part of our discussion don't hesitate to ask teacher again so that I can explain it to you clearly .I also encourage you to listen to our recording file this will be a big help. You can do it(*-*)
    You generally speak in correct pronunciation except for some words that you are not familiar with. You manage to speak the words correctly, but it seems like you’re a bit nervous to speak straightly. Learn to build confidence in speaking English words. And listen to our recording files to practice your pronunciation skill after class. You are smart I know you can do it (*-*)
    Your vocabulary skill is quite good. However, you need to be more familiarized with words and expressions to improve in grammar and thus make better sentences. Sometime you have difficulty using a variety of vocabulary appropriately to communicate in English. You must continue to improve your vocabulary by reading English books to increase your word collection. For improvement you should give time to browse the dictionary or read some foreign articles that will help you to increase your vocabulary so that you can have confidence to fully express ideas with appropriate word usage. You can do it. Cheer up~
    This part I can say that you can construct simple sentences, but most of the time you answer in sentence fragment. You also need guidance in grammar activity. Nothing to worry Teacher is here to help you to overcome this. My advice to you is that you just have to study more in grammar and know its correct usage and function to arrive well-constructed sentences whether simple or complex. You can do it :-) I know that I believe in you.