  1. 老师评语
    Dear Sunny:
    I am always impressed with your performances in our classes. You are always prepared and could always make a good discussion. I think you will become a good speaker if you will continue this kind of spirit. I also want to thank you for being such a good student in my class. You are willing to accept your mistakes and learn from it. That is the secret in learning!!!! to find a way to make it better . (*-*)
    Your speaking skill is good so to make this part better I want you to practice to speak faster so that we can improve your intonation more. In this way you can adopt foreigners and you can easily understand them.
    I think you don't have a little problem here but if you will listen to some foreigners they speak very fast so to be able to comprehend there words. Let's try to practice this kind of phase. I think you can do it!!!
    This part I can say that you must practice more especially for words that you don't know or seems unfamiliar to you and later on if possible you can use these new words in your English language. There are many ways to improve pronunciation.
    1. By opening your mouth properly
    2. Practicing to pronounce the words
    3. Using the words often.
    Vocabulary is a continuous process so this part you don't have to stop with the words that you know because there are many English words that are interesting to use so I encourage you to read and learn more English words.
    Your grammar is great!! This is the part that you must be proud of. Because you know how to fix your sentences without my help but still sometimes you’re having a hard time constructing them into simple-complex ones. Nevertheless, I want to say that you’re such a wonderful student and I enjoyed teaching and talking to you. KEEP IT UP..