  1. 老师评语
    Dear Dandy:
    I was pleased to tell that you've had a good improvements in my class. I've observed that you're always expressive or talkative during our class. The vital factors that helped yourself to improve more in our class are, being observant and passionate to learn the Langauge.
    I've always commend your participation and performance. Despite the fact,that there are times that you're exhausted i still observe your enthusiasm and eagerness in our class.I fimrly believe that you will become a good English speaker.
    After a several months i observed that you've improved a lot in this aspect.Now,you can make long explanations using compound sentences and deliver it confidently. Your comprehension is good including your ability to understand difficult questions. You are more confident than before.
    When it comes to your listening skill,I observed that you have such a good comprehension skill.You're always attentive and analytic to listen in my commands.There are times that you're observant especially if the questions,words and explanation are not well given. I commend your effort in this aspect.
    In this aspect i observed that you were able to pronounce the words well except those words that you are not familiar with.I still urge you to exert a lot of efforts in this aspect to fully develop your pronunciation skill.
    You were able to use the words well but you have to remember that every words have its accurate or proper usage especially in sentences. I commend your interactive participation in this aspect. I still urge you to read more English books or other reading materials to fully develop your Vocabulary skill.
    In terms of your Grammar skill.You only commit few errors when constructing your sentences.But i noticed that you are eager to develop and enahance your grammar skill.