  1. 老师评语
    Dear Queena:
    Wow, another month has gone by. How do you feel now? Do you know you are improving your English little by little? I am happy to know that you've got a promotion. I hope the new position won't get you too busy. And I hope you can practise English everyday just like before. I am proud of you.
    You're an amazing student, I believe you can continue the hard work. Try to remember what I taught you in class. I am sure you will be able to speak very very good English one day.
    You're no longer the shy girl I know. You are very active in class when you get a chance to speak. What you need is to spend sometime to go over the sentence structures we learned in our textbook. Keep everything up to date.
    Listening to some English songs might help you to improve your English. Maybe you can try to find some songs you like, and learn them, memorize all the lyrics. BTW, you still owe me an English song.
    Your pronunciation is not too bad. But I think you need to polish some of the English words. I will help you to achieve that. When you listen to the CDs, you can try to imitate their pronunciation. I think that will help you to improve your pronunciation a lot.
    As I know, you study very hard. I know you are learning some words. Learning a few words everyday, a few months later, you will find yourself with less problem while reading the textbook.
    You need to pay more attention to the grammar. Sometimes I allow you to make some mistakes when you speak English. But I don't allow you to make grammar mistakes in the sentences we've learned in our textbook. I hope you can understand me. As I wish to help you improve your English in every way I can.