Dear Ryan:
He has a rating of very satisfactory. He was able to express his views or opinions in a clear manner.
Again, he has shared very meaningful and sensible thoughts.
His analysis of situations or topics is quite impressive.
He has communicated in a way very understandable.
Listening skill is excellent. Vocabulary and grammar are generally
very good. Pronunciation is on the process of improvement.
He did an excellent job.
*Was able to express very well, ideas were said with clarity
*Was able to talk in a clear language, further explanations were mentioned for a better undestanding
*Was able to give lengthy details to responses
*Very few instances that words were asked by the teacher to repeat
* Was consistent to comprehend high level questions
*Was patient in listening to questions
*Answers were related, connected and significant
* Overall, was able to pay attention very well
*Pronunciation ahs marked improvement
*"l and th"sounds are understandable in many cases but needs to improve more.
*Has a wide range of vocabulary, was able to give the synonymns of the words
*Approriate words were used to explain points of view
*Very promising to gain familiarization with high level English words
*Was able to use important rules of grammars particularly the subject-verb agreement, conjunctions, simple present tense ,simple past tense and future tense
*Was able to form an organized sentence pattern