"教中国人学好外语,让中国走向世界;教外国人学好汉语,让世界了解中国"是易说堂始终如一的教育使命。易说堂全体同仁,正以饱满的热情,专注、 专业的姿态,秉承不断创新的能力,帮助越来越多人摆脱"聋哑外语",创造人生的辉煌。
Before studying at e-say, I could always get excellent marks at school, but my oral English was so poor that I couldn't communicate well with foreigners, and I was not willing to speak in front of people. Since I studied here, I built confidence in myself and I have made a great progress in listening and speaking.
Weeks ago, I was accepted into SCIE (Shenzhen College of International Education). In the school entrance exam, my performance was perfect in my interview. The teachers were amazed by my confidence and my fluent English. I said I was interested in economics, and in order to check my capability, the teachers asked me some questions about it such as inflation, GDP and GNP and so on. I knew all those answers because teacher David usually asked me to listening practices regarding economics! In a word, E-say paved the road for my success.
学员历程简介: 在易说堂学习了两年左右的英语,刚开始和中教上课,3个月以后成功转外教进行外语学习。学员性格外向,在课堂上非常活跃,勇于开口说英语,现在已经可以和外教顺利地交流。今年小升初,成功考上了美国国际学校(香港)。