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中南大学 英语专业八级 学士学位

My teaching target mainly focus on finding better ways to arouse the students’ enthusiasm and efficiency to study,and Making an appropriate teaching plan based on each student’s English level and personalities.And also I tends to emphasize the importance of enhancing the students’ ability to apply knowledge to practice.注重为学生寻找更好的方式来调动其积极性和效率并基于学生的英语水平和性格特点制定合适的教学计划。同时比较侧重加强学生运用知识的能力。

2 years of teaching experiences

No pains, No gains没有付出就没有收获  





日常 粤语课程 青少儿英语 零基础英语

Teach students in accordance with their aptitude; educate students according to his or her natural ability; modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class or case注意因材施教,跟据不同的学生特点及接受能力设计不同的教学方法

3 years experiences of teaching

Language, to use it or to lose it学习语言,要么用它要么就扔掉它  


华南师范大学 学士学位

日常 英语发音 零基础英语

I have a flexible teaching method and teach the students according to their personalities and English level. I encourage students to communicate frequently,which makes learning English easily and happily.教学模式灵活多变,能根据各个学生的需求及自身特性进行指导。鼓励学生多交流,多开口,让英语学习变得容易而快乐。

3 years of teaching experiences

Where there is a will,there is a way有志者事竟成  



日常 零基础英语


four year's working experiences as a tuitor

Where there is a will, there is a way有志者事竟成,世上无难事,只要肯登攀