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Writing Numeric Expressions for Addition and Subtraction

When writing a numeric expression from a word problem look for the clues that tell which operation to use.

When you add, you find the total number of items joined together. So word problems that ask you to join or combine a particular number or amount are addition problems.

Example: Kwan saw 8 birds in his yard on Saturday. He saw 12 more birds on Sunday. How many birds did Kwan see on Sunday?

When you subtract, you find out how many are left when some items are taken away. So word problems that ask you to take a number or amount away from another number or amount are subtraction problems.

Example: Raphael sold 72 candy bars. Naomi sold 51 fewer candy bars. How many candy bars did Naomi sell?

Think about It

Below is a list of words that are commonly used in addition and subtraction problems.

Addition Subtraction
greater fewer
older younger
altogether difference