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Trading Goods

People have always used a system called barter to get what they need and want. To barter is to exchange one thing for another. Money is not used. People might trade meat for animal skins. Or they might trade tools for bread. If each person was satisfied, the trade was fair. But it was not always easy to know how much something was worth. Was a piece of meat equal in value to a deerskin? Not everyone got what he or she wanted. Not everyone had what someone else needed. Trading and barter could get pretty complicated.

Trade or Barter?

Complete each of these sentences. Choose the best answer from the drop-down list.

  1. Trading is a way of __ something that you have for something that you want.  
  2. Barter is a system of trading things without using __.  
  3. Today, in addition to barter or trade, people can use money to __ the things they want.