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6 Personalities women find attarctive in men

Here are additional personality traits that women find most attractive:

- Expertise. If you're an expert in an area that is interesting to your kind of woman, this can be attractive.

- Attention. Women like attention. And interestingly enough, it's better to hint at the attention that you're giving them than to be too overt about it.

- Disinterest, Indifference, a Challenge. Most women are used to being pursued by men in one way or another. If you are indifferent to a woman, make her think that you're only calling because you're bored and act almost disinterested sexually, they'll often do their very best to get your attention.

- Charm (attention with a polished, smooth approach). This is hard to describe. Watch a James Bond movie to get an idea.

- Romantic Imagination and Perspective.
- Expert in Body Language. This is important, as women are constantly sending signals. I'll talk more about this in a later chapter.

- Sexual Mastery.

The most successful men I know will tell you that they are only successful because they are able to accept 'no' and not take it personally. Again, unsuccessful men take a 'rejection' as a personal assault on their inner child. Don't make this mistake.

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