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How to describe heavy rain, light rain and rainy day with sunshine? Here are some hints:
1. Rain Cats and Dogs 倾盆大雨
It rained cats and dogs last night. 昨晚雨下得很大。
Rain cats and dogs 是一句非常受欢迎的俚语,几乎每个学英语的学生都懂得用 rain cats and dogs 来形容雨下得很大。当然如果你不想用俚语的讲法,你可以说:"It's raining really hard. (雨下得很大) "或是"We're having a heavy rain." 同样也是"雨下得很大。"
那"雨下得很大,我被淋成了落汤鸡"这整句话要怎么讲? "落汤鸡"在英文里常用 “I am soaked”来形容.
In the middle of the picnic, it started to rain cats and dogs, and everyboby got soaked.

2. We had a downpour 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨。
中文里常形容下雨像是用"倒"的一样, 这在英文里也有同样对等的字眼喔! 英文里用的是 downpour 这个词。所以"下雨像是用倒的" 我们可以说:
"We had a downpour."
另外有一个十分口语的讲法就是 "It's really coming down out there.",也是形容雨下得很大, 像是用"倒"的一样。
It never rains but it pours.
不下则已, 一下倾盆; 不来则已, 一来便接踵而至(尤指坏事)。

3. It's just sprinkling只是在下毛毛雨而已。
在英文里不管下"毛毛雨"或是"毛毛雪"我们都可以用 drizzle和 sprinkle 这两个动词来表示。Drizzle 这个词就是气象术语"下毛毛雨"的意思,而 sprinkle 则是一个动词表示"撒", 但也常被用来形容毛毛雨,常听到的用法就是:
"It's drizzling." 或是 "It's sprinkling."
另外还有一个词叫 scattered rain,指的则是"零零星星地降雨"。
例如:"We have to cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain. 因为零星的降雨所以我们必须取消田径赛

4. shower 阵雨, 阵雪
The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
除下了一阵大雨外, 天气还是很好的。
After rain comes fair weather .
雨过天晴; 否极泰来。

5. rainstorm 暴风雨
According to the weather report a rainstorm is imminent.

Due to different types of weather regime, we have various kinds of rain:
convective rain对流雨(出现在热带雨林), cyclonic rain 气旋(性)雨, driving rain 大风雨,dust rain 尘雨,intermittent rain 间断下雨,mo(u)ld rain 梅雨

And it’s far from enough, so we have artificial rain 人造雨
In the past centery, because of the excessive activities of humanbeings, acid rain酸(性)雨 came to our life.

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