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steal one's thunder 并非偷雷神大招

 steal one's thunder 并非偷雷神大招


  Steal one’s thunder 乍一听,怎么……这么像偷了雷神大招!

  但是这货绝不是偷了雷神的锤子去打雷,雷神大招不是你想用就能用LOL,当心被爆头。So, don’t make you look like an airhead。一起来学习一下这些短语意思吧!



  1.Steal one's thunder



  -Brad stole his classmate's thunder by copying brilliant art homework for school.

  -Brian stole Jordan's thunder in the 100m race even though Jordan had prepared for much longer.

  -Alex stole his brother's thunder by bringing a more beautiful girlfriend home to meet their parents.

  【解释】To take credit for something someone else has done.


  2. Play Devil's advocate


  Devil's advocate魔鬼的辩护士; [喻]吹毛求疵的人,爱抬扛的人;爱提反面意见的人



  -Roy played Devil's advocate on the murder trial jury, forcing the other jury members to spend two days away from home.

  -Eric played Devil's advocate and prevented a new bill from being passed.

  -Annie played Devil's advocate when she rightfully disagreed with the decision to ban candy from the town.

  【解释】Someone who takes the opposite side for the sake of it, even if they don't necessarily agree with it.


  3. In(to) one's corner



  -After Tony stood up to his bully, all his classmates got into his corner.

  -Ronald got into his brother's corner by confirming he was not at a crime scene.

  -Andrew has no one left in his corner after it was discovered he beat his wife.

 草长莺飞,桃红柳绿,这些和green有关的习语你都知道吗?    当时我就懵圈儿了~ 原来英语里吐槽“迷糊”不是只有confused