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New Year's resolution 谈论新年目标

2012年即将到来,你新年计划或目标是什么?What's your New Year's resolution 和Eileen一起来聊聊吧!

In 2011, I will go to the gym 3 times a week;

sleep 7 hours every day;

lose at least 5 pounds; 

take it easy and don't get upset.


 What about you?



Let's see others' New Year's resolutions:

***: "My New Year's resolutions are 1) Go running 6 times a week! 每个星期要跑6次步!2) Learn how to cook fried green beans! 学怎么做干煸四季豆!3) Visit china again! 再去中国"


***: "So lookin' forward to our final meeting at the end of 2011, we need to make our New Year's Resolution before the New Year's Eve~And don't forget the most important one is the first thing you wanna do right after the countdown, the first day of 2012."


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