(1) leave 放任;任由 搭配:leave something/somebody in/with/behind Are you leaving the kids with Grandma on Saturday? She left her son in the care of a friend. (2) bring back my smile 带回我的微笑 (3) take these tears away 带走这些泪水 (4) Bring back those nights when I held you beside me 请带回那些我俩偎依的夜晚。 (5) Un-break my heart 抚平我的心 Undo this hurt you caused when you walked out the door and walked outta my life 抹去那些你走出门外,离开我的生活而造成的痛苦。 Un-cry these tears 擦干这些眼泪 un- 前缀:表示意思或者动作的相反,例如: unfair, unhappy, uncertain unpack, unlock, undress (6) cruel 残酷的;冷酷的 His death was a cruel blow. Sometimes life seems unbearably cruel.