You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Groups or organisations are an important part of some people’s lives. Why are groups or organisations important to people? Give resons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Sample answer: The world is constantly changing and so are the people in it. With each generation we see important developments that affect the ways they think and live their lives. Therefore, it is not surprising that each generation of people is different from the one before, and our generation is no exception. My peers and I differ from our parents in several important ways, including our views of the world and our expectations of the future. People of my age usually have a more globalised outlook than their parents. Unlike the previous generation, we have been exposed to a wide variety of information about the world from a very early age. We have benefited from technological advances such as communications satellites and the Internet. These have truly made the world a global village and we have been greatly influenced as a result. We are not only concerned about our traditional way of life, but also about how life is led around the world. Our expectations of the future are also different. This is mainly due to the greater prosperity and peace that we have enjoyed. Fewer of us have ever suffered true economic hardship and many of us have a good education and high standard of living. Although we are willing to work hard to succeed, we also value our leisure time. We are more likely to spend money on recreational activities than to save money for our old age in the future. Our social prosperity has made us more materialistic than our parentsl, also more carefree. Given our different circumstances, it is not surprising that we are so different from the previous generation. Our parents may shake their heads and worry about these changes, but no doubt their parents did the same. Rather than to worry about what the next generation is coming to be, I believe it is smarter to discover and appreciate the advantages in these developments.