Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves? With the development of global economic, more and more people have a better life than decades ago. However, in some area of world, there also have poorer countries where people don't have (sufficient) food to eat or education. I think that, not only should wealthy country help poor country, but poor country should try their best to give their citizens a better quality of life. Helping poorer countries is demand of moral, but also there are many benefits from it. First of all, providing assistant to these countries could save many lives from (starvation), and (keep them away from) diseases, therefore people in the poorer country could enjoy a better life. Furthermore, this could help them to have enough energy to develop their country, and then providing food and education by themselves. (Eventually), they would be able to cooperate with wealthy countries to benefit each other. To poorer country, besides being assisted by others, they have to take (responsibility) of developing their own country for better quality of citizens' life. However, some use the resources provided by others in a wrong way, such as taking the money to buy weapons, food to support the war. They should stop doing this, and to develop in peace. In addition, improving their (stability) of society, such as perfecting their laws, providing job opportunities, developing technology, is a important task for them. Therefore, it's wrong to say that one country should take the whole responsibility of that. Countries in the world should help each other to have a better development, by doing this, countries can benefit from each other also.