近期在亚太出现的雅思口语“新题”,像an artist, a walk you took with a friend, a practical skill such as cooking, an interesting news story, a new law, favorite sport, an unforgettable lunch, a place you visited where you could learn about the past, a modern building, music that is popular in your country, a special occasion that is celebrated in your country, a TV show host/presenter … 都是十天口语里分析过的话题,不必赘述。Pat倒是想在两个帖子里跟各位谈几道有趣的题目,希望对近期考试的朋友们能有所帮助:
Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.
平淡是真(You'll be rewarded for being unpretentious.)
此外还有两个相关词组,用来描述自己小时候很调皮有可能用到:an unruly kid是指不服从管教的孩子,而a disruptive student则特指上课时违纪的学生。
如果想说自己小时候超级淘气、很不听话,动词的表达是act up。注意“不听话”在地道英文里不要说I didn’t listen to my parents’ words.(这听起来更像是在说“我这人就喜欢一意孤行”),而应该说I liked to act up when I was little.
对于低年级学生来说,最经典的不听话行为莫过于逃课(对于西方考官来说“上课说话”可不能算是调皮,反而极有可能被视为优点)。在地道英文中逃课称之为cut class或者skip school(请注意这个school前不要加the),如果逃课就是很没出息地为了跟小男朋友/小女朋友去玩儿,那么就说I cut class /skipped school just to hang out with my little boyfriend/girlfriend; 而如果逃课是为了去看电影那么当然就是I cut class just to catch a movie/ I skipped school just to catch a flick.
最naughty的逃课方式毫无疑问是在老师刚一点完名之后立刻无耻地溜出教室,那就可以说(假设逃的是英语课)I went to the English class, got my attendance checked and then sneaked out of the classroom.
在北美,21岁之前是不可以买酒的,不过在北京时Pat倒是见过中学生把整箱啤酒往家搬的情况。和朋友们在酒吧喝高了当然也是a naughty thing, 地道英文里会说We got blasted drunk in a bar…
搞恶作剧捉弄别人,英文叫作play pranks on sb. ,也可以叫play tricks on sb., 或者play practical jokes on sb.(请注意这里的practical jokes并非“实用笑话”,而是恶作剧)。如果你的恶作剧让“受害者”(the victim)那一天都很不爽,则可以讲My prank reeeeeeeally ruined his/her day.
把一桶水放在门缝上面英文叫put a bucket of water over a door;对方一推门水正好倒在他/她的身上英文说He/She pushed the poor open. The bucket tipped over(翻了)and fell right on him/her. 浑身都湿透了叫He/She got soaking wet. 水桶碰到头则要说The bucket hit him/her on the head.
捉弄一下过于骄傲的某个同学(put a dent in his/her pride)倒也还是挺有意义的事情,不过当然还要确保玩笑不能开得太出格(I was lucky the prank didn’t go too far.)……
如果你对别人做了恶作剧之后别人又找你“扯平”了,英文会讲He/She managed to get even by doing sth. (get even是个固定短语:“扯平”的意思)。
如果你做的naught thing是告诉别人一条假新闻,则是tricked people with a false news story。英文里还专门有个词是用来指这种传播假新闻的行为,叫作hoax,比如在2010年大家讨论得最多的hoax就是“千年极寒”(the Millenium Arctic),其实人类从有完整的气象记录开始到现在才只有130多年。请注意如果你打算在描述a naughty thing时说自己告诉别人一条假新闻,那么the false news you spread一定不要涉及政治话题,因为IELTS topics are supposed to be strictly politics-free.:)