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Reaching Your Goal

I want to be a scientist. I like science because I think the scinence is very easy and exciting. So I want be a scientist.

I had the goal I was 9 years old. I make an effort ,so I read science bookand magazine. I want many the invention. I will study hard math and science. I think scientist is very good people for example thw scientist make plane,car,etc. Many scientist.

Bestrow a prize so I want be a scientist. But math is difficult.so I am studying hard. The science need to people. The science is wonderful and very exaciting. I like math too.



Hi, AVA1012-02317. You have a great goal in your life and you share it clearly in your essay. Your ideas are good! However, if you try to be more careful in spelling your words, it would be easier to read through your essay. Furthermore ,please try to observe proper word spacing. Remember that we always put a space every after a punctuation mark. If you follow these reminders. I know you can write a great essay. Keep trying!