欢迎来到易说堂电话英语!我们要学习的是集中双元音/ i /和/ /这两个音。 /i/这个音:发音时由短元音/i/迅速向中元音//滑动,舌位由高到低;唇形由扁平到自由状态。而/ /发音时由短元音//迅速向中元音//滑动;发//音时舌尖抵下齿。大家跟外教认真地大声朗读这两个音在单词,句子中的发音。
Please read groups of words to distinguish the /i/ and / / sounds.
1. here there
2. beer fair
3. sincerely share
4. really scared
5. dear pair
6. near chair
7. clearly compare
8. merely stare
Please read some phrases and sentences to practice the two sounds.
1. It’s a rare phenomenon in this area.
2. unaware of how dear it is
3. His peers fare comfortably.
4. the largest warehouse in the area
5. This tableware is rather dear.
6. This is rather a rare year.
7. The bears are all ears.
8. The pair lend a willing ear.
Please practice more sentences for you to recite.
1. He dare not say you are not sincere.
2. Most people are unaware of this idea.
3. The price of the tableware is really very dear.
4. They compared this year’s output with last year’s.
5. I scarcely like to lend a willing ear to others’ affairs.