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/易说堂发音图标和 /易说堂发音图标:/ 的发音

欢迎来到易说堂电话英语语音学习!我们要学习到的是后元音// and中长元音/:/这两个音的区别。从表面看来不会有很大问题,但要把两个音发好还是需要技巧的。首先,//音是个后元音,因此发音时口开要大而圆。要发好这个音,一定要把舌往后,下压的同时保持口形不变,这样,一个清脆的音才能产生。发/:/音的技巧就是把双唇向前凸起,双唇音的缝隙很小,连个小手指都几乎放不进去。下面就跟外教朗读一些单词与短语句子练习这两个音。


Read groups of words to practice the // and /:/ sounds.

1. lock  lord

2. dock  door

3. loss  lore

4. boss  bore

5. hot  horse

6. fox  form

7. knock  normal

8. pot  port


Please read some phrases to practice the two sounds.

1. hear a knock on the door

2. mopping the floor

3. got the form

4. a rocky shore

5. fell hot and bored

6. do a good job in the reform

7. talking about a hot topic

8. have a talk with the boss


Please read some sentences to practice the sounds.

1. The bosses don’t want to listen to the talk.

2. Robert doesn’t want to talk about the reform.

3. Fox doesn’t want to stand in the corridor.

4. They don’t want to cooperate with his sort.

5. She doesn’t want to mop the floor for the lord.

6. She really doesn’t want to lock the door.

7. She doesn’t want to put the box in the corner.

8. They don’t want to watch the clock in the reform.